Sunday, November 19, 2006

John Howard's nuclear inquiry

Prime Minister John Howard's nuclear inquiry is bound to go along with Howard's new plan, which is to stride the world in a statesman-like way - no, emperor-like way, as the leader in the nuclear "renaissance".
Howardaims to split the Australian Labor Party at the same time as he unites the great unwashed Australian public behind his push for the nuclear industry. Bolstered by the support and the financial backing of the uranium mining lobby, and by the (probably rigged) speculative boom in the uranium share price, Howard steps out into quite the most ambitious of his plans up to date.
Well, it's not likely to be a rebirth of the nuclear industry, seeing that no banker would invest in nuclear, (unless massively subsidised by government).
But it is likely to be the death of the Prime Ministership of Howard. Even Howard's ruthless cunning might just not be enough to fool the Australian public this time!

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